Bolton Sports Federation |
Revised November 2010
Name: The Organisation is “Bolton Sports Federation”.
Government: The Federation shall be governed by a Committee elected (except as mentioned below) at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Policy: The policy of the Federation shall be that agreed upon by representatives at the AGM, and established at committee meetings in writing.
Objective: The objective is to promote and organise competitive sport in Bolton and the surrounding area.
Committee: The Executive Committee shall consist of President, Chairman, Vice-Chairman,
Treasurer, Secretary, Auditor, Vice-presidents and twelve other elected members. It shall also include the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and one nominated representative of each Federated League. The Committee have the authority to co-opt without limit.
Election of committee: This is in accordance with the Executive Committee’s fundamental rules.
Quorum: A committee meeting shall be quorate when seven of the members are present.
Duties of the Committee:
(a) Consider all matters referred to it and take proper and expedient action.
(b) Be responsible for the administration of the Federation, and for submitting an annual report and audited account to the AGM together with further information that may be required.
Duties of the Chairman: The Chairman shall preside at all AGMs of the Federation and all meetings of the Committee, with powers to summon special meetings of the Committee, through the Secretary. The Chairman shall only have a vote in the event of an equality of votes for or against any matter, when the Chairman shall have the casting vote.
Duties of the Vice-Chairman: The Vice-Chairman shall deputise in the absence of the Chairman. In the absence of both, the members present will elect one.
Duties of the Secretary:
The Secretary shall,
(a) with the Chairman, be responsible for calling all AGMs for the Federation and meetings of the Committee, preparing minutes of all such meetings and for maintaining the records of the Federation.
(b) submit to the Committee, all matters of Federation business.
(c) be responsible for all correspondence received and sent.
(d) be provided with a deputy on request.
Duties of the Treasurer:
The Treasurer shall
(a) collect all members’ subscriptions, fees, etc and be responsible for all Federation monies.
(b) pay all reasonable expenses incurred by the Federation.
(c) prepare annually, an audited income and expenditure account made up to 30th December on such a date as the Committee shall from time to time decide.
(d) submit to the committee meetings, statements of Federation funds, balances and, where required, explain any variations.
Duties of the Auditor:
The Auditor shall audit the Federation accounts, be available to audit the accounts of the
Federated Leagues and give a report to the Executive Committee and later to the Annual
General Meeting.
Duties of the Officers of the Federated Leagues: Shall be as defined by the respective League Constitutions, or in the absence of a Constitution,
as advised by the Executive Committee.
Subscriptions and finance: The funds of the Federation are under the control of the Committee and deposited in a bank/building society, approved by the Committee,
in the name of the Federation. The Treasurer will sign all cheques and drafts on the bankers. The Chairman or Secretary then countersigns them.
Standing orders for meetings:
1. No discussion may take place on the minutes except as to accuracy.
It is not possible to rescind a resolution of the Committee except by a proposal at a subsequent meeting with a two-thirds majority.2. Only seconded proposals can result in debate.
3. The following proposals may be moved and seconded without notice and the question put:-
(a) To suspend the meeting.
(b) To adjourn the meeting.
(c) To proceed to next business.
(d) That the vote be taken.
Such motions require a two-thirds majority in favour.
4. The Secretary must receive notification of items for inclusion on the agenda for Committee meetings 48 hours before the meeting.
5. Any Other Business at Committee meetings may only include urgent items.
(a) Each member shall have one vote.
(b) Voting shall be on a show of hands.
(c) At the Annual General Meeting held in January, each member club has one vote.
(a) All applications for membership shall be subject to acceptance by the Executive Committee.
(b) A club shall be deemed to be a member of the Federation upon receipt of all required subscriptions, fees etc by the Federation Treasurer.
Appeals: Members have a right of appeal against Committee decisions.
An upheld decision can result in the granting of a personal hearing by the BSF Executive Committee, if there is evidence of a beach in the rules of the League.